All mankind is thirsty. This is why man continually seeks countless things to satisfy himself, such as knowledge, educational attainments, career advancement, accumulation of wealth, fashions, sports, music, entertainment, parties, relationships, etc. Each of these things is a kind of “water” which cannot quench man’s thirst. Although he drinks this “water,” he is never truly, continually satisfied. The more he drinks this “water,” the thirstier he becomes. The words of Jesus to a thirsty woman recorded in the Gospel of John explain this experience: “Everyone who drinks of this water shall thirst again” (4:13). These words are simple but their meaning is very profound.
“Water” here signifies the enjoyment of material things and the amusement of worldly entertainment. These cannot quench the deep thirst within mankind. Hence, the more we drink of these things, the more our thirst is actually increased. We need another kind of “water.”
The water which quenches man’s thirst is Jesus Christ. “But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall by no means thirst forever; but the water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water gushing up into eternal life” (John 4:14). Here Jesus speaks of another kind of water: a spring of water gushing up into eternal life. This water is Jesus Christ Himself (John 4:10)! Through His death Christ redeemed us from our sins, and in His resurrection He became the life-giving Spirit so that He could give Himself to us as the living water and we could drink Him (Titus 2:14; 1 Corinthians 15:45; 12:13; John 7:38-39). He is qualified and available to quench our thirst.
He is the living water that satisfies us today, tomorrow, and for eternity. The way to take the living water: ask, confess, and believe. To receive Christ as the living water, ask of Him, confess your dissatisfaction, and believe into Him by praying:
Lord Jesus, thank You for dying for me.
I confess that I have tried to be satisfied with many other things.
I confess that I have tried to be satisfied with many other things.
Lord Jesus, I’m thirsty! Take away my sin.
I praise You that You are the living water. Lord, I receive You.
Come into me! Fill me with Your Life!
Three things that help us to grow in life and in the knowledge of the truth are praying, reading the Bible, and meeting with other believers. You are warmly invited to meet with us to enjoy Christ in God’s Word.