Last Bible Study of the Semester! (Dec 05)
Last Bible Study of the Semester! (Dec 05)

Last Bible Study of the Semester! (Dec 05)

Acts 15:8-9 – And God, the Knower of hearts, bore witness to them, giving them the Holy Spirit even as also to us; And He made no distinction between us and them, cleansing their hearts by faith.

Verse 9, Footnote 1: Indicating that God does not care for outward legalistic ordinances, which cannot cleanse man’s inward being; He cares for the inward cleansing of man’s heart. This corresponds with the Lord’s emphasis in Mark 7:1-23. The cleansing of man’s heart can be accomplished only by the Holy Spirit with the divine life, not by outward ordinances of dead letters.

What: Acts 15

When: 1PM-2PM, Wednesday (Dec 05)

Where: SSA 12.471